Celebrity birthdays, June 22th in Slovenia celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, June 22th in Slovenia, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Zoran Dragić

    Jun 22, 1989 Ljubljana 35 years old

    basketball player

    Milan Vidmar

    Jun 22, 1885 Ljubljana Died on 09 Oct 1962 (aged 77)

    Slovenian chess player

    Marjan Jelenko

    Jun 22, 1991 Maribor 33 years old

    Slovenian Nordic combined skier

    Tjaša Oder

    Jun 22, 1994 Slovenj Gradec 30 years old

    Slovenia swimmer

    Denis Selimović

    Jun 22, 1979 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 45 years old

    Slovenian footballer

    Brane Benedik

    Jun 22, 1960 Kranj 64 years old

    ski jumper

    Milan Jazbec

    Jun 22, 1956 Spodnja Pohanca 68 years old

    Slovene journalist and diplomat

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor