Celebrity birthdays, May 28th in Philippines celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 28th in Philippines, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Luis Gabriel Moreno

    May 28, 1998 26 years old


    Zsa Zsa Padilla

    May 28, 1964 Manila 60 years old

    Filipino actor and singer

    Paquito Diaz

    May 28, 1937 Pampanga Died on 03 Mar 2011 (aged 73)

    Filipino actor and director

    John Regala

    May 28, 1965 Manila 59 years old


    Joseph Emilio Abaya

    May 28, 1966 Cavite 58 years old

    House Representative of the Philippines

    Rufa Mae Quinto

    May 28, 1978 Pasadena 46 years old

    Filipino actress

    Josef Elizalde

    May 28, 1990 Mandaluyong 34 years old

    Emilio Z. Marquez

    May 28, 1941 Lopez 83 years old

    Filipino bishop


    May 28, 1990 34 years old

    Filipino musician

    Víctor Idava

    May 28, 1956 68 years old

    Desiree del Valle

    May 28, 1982 Philippines 42 years old

    Filipino actress

    Birthdays by Profession

    Birthdays by Region

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor